Ketika Seleb Hollywood jadi Tokoh Disney

Kalo lagi ada waktu senggang dikit , paling suka deh buka hehe suka baca berita sama artikelnya. Nah, ini berita terbaru yahoo yang merelease foto-foto artis hollywood yang jadi tokoh disney. Karena foto-fotonya keren punya... makanya aku postingin di blog . Lets take a look

Penélope Cruz and Jeff Bridges as Beauty and the Beast

Olivia Wilde as the evil queen and Alec Baldwin as the magic mirror

Quyeen Latifah as Ursula (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Jack Black, Will Ferrell and Jason Segel as the Hitchhiking Ghosts (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney
Salut banget sama yang ngedit ini foto, keren banget . sumpah. Keliatan kayak hantu beneran hehe.

Scarlett Johansson as Cindarella (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Jessica Biel as Pochahontas (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Julianne Moore as Ariel and Michael Phelps as a merman (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Jennifer López and Marc Anthony as Aladín and Princess Jasmine (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Mikhail Baryshnikov as Peter Pan and Gisele Bundchen as Wendy (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney
Ini nih kalo Peter Pan mulai jadi opa-opa...

Disney Dreams: Jennifer Hudson as Tiana, from 'The Princess and the Frog (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Nah, ini nih foto favorit aku saat taylor swift jadi rapunzel. Cantik yah... :D. Dasarnya emang udah cantik sih, nggak usah diedit jadi rapunzel aja udah mirip tokoh disney kok, yegak?...

Jessica Chastain as Merida from Brave (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney

Russell Brand as Captain Hook (Credit: Annie Leibovitz/Disney


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