How to Overcome Broken Heart
Devote all of ur feeling to someone closed, like ur best friend, mother, father, sister or someone else. Because it can make ur problems decrease one by one and ur heart can feel better.
2. Pray to god. It can solve ur problems by praying. God always hear all of ur problems well, and God always know what is the better one.
Dont trap in the past but facing ur future. Dont let ur bad memorize especially broken heart take control and make ur heart sinks.
5. Seeing the real fact. That is not only her/ him who love you , there are family, friends that still love you with the deepest heart.
6. Trusting that someday someone better will come to you with all of his/her kindness.
10. Making a choice 'do you still want to make a relationship with someone or not'
:Numpang share tugas bahasa inggris hehe, tapi dedicated juga kok buat kalian yg lagi broken heart hehe
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