Paramore Facts

-Genre :

Alternative rock
Power pop

Pop punk
-They came from Franklin,tennessee
-Members in Paramore
~Haley Williams:Lead Vocals,Keyboard
~Josh Farro:Lead Guitar,Backing Vocals
~Jeremy Davis:Bass Guitar
~Zac Farro:Drums
-On the FueledByRamen and Atlantic Record Label
-Theyre influenced by Jimmy Eat World and Sunny Day Real Estate
-They have made 2 albums:All We Know Is Falling;Which consists of the hits,Pressure,and Emergency.Riot! Which has the hits Misery Business and Crushcrushcrush.All We Know is Falling came out in 2005,and Riot! came out in 2007,certified gold.All We Know made a fanbase on the internet.
-Haley stated in the album Riot! in the thanks section:
"jesus thank you for blessing me when i definetly dont deserve it.My whole famly!!Momma & Dad,Granny and Grandat,and Nana-thank you for making me a better person and loving me no matter WHAT!Erica and are the 2 mose beautiful sisters ever in life to exist.when i get home were gonna jam out to jimmy eat world again.Zac!I wolnt sing over anyone else playing drums.You sound like a beast on this record...geez.Josh! I freakin love you;(and we really need some inside joke cuz it would make the thank you's a lot better,ha Jeremy!WEre in a funk band cover together.Its pretty amazing.I love you guys so much.Youre my brothers and + this is so much fun!The Farro family for all the fun...and for loving my green tie dye pants.The Caldwell family.Bekah Sheets-I love you (just like the song)!Sarah Orzechowski,Hannah + the donnovan family,Embi and the farro family.Ajax,Hunter Lamb,josh Nelson,blake and big d,dumpke,taylor york,Will laughs indoors!TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHOS EVER LISTENED AND OR SANG ALONG TO OUR MSUIC...TAHNK YOU.We'LL SEE YOU AT THE SHOW!
-Ages from 17-23
-At 2002 haley moved from meridian,mi to frankin and met the farros,attending a provate school.she was 13.
-Shortly after she took vocal lessons with Brett Manning,who also gave lessons to country star Taylor Swift.
-Jeremy and Haley werre in the funk cover band , Factory.them and the farro brothers practiced together.
-In 2006 paramore was on the vans warped tour mainly on the Volcom and Hurley stages,bolth skater/snowboarding/surf brands for clothing and sports.The sold out tour started touring August 2,2006 along Cute Is What We Aim For,This Providence and Hit The Headlights.
-They were voted best new band,and Haley scored "Sexiest Female", by readers of the British magazine Kerrang!
-In the Grammys in 2008 they were nominated but lost to amy winehouse
-Paramores gonna be on tour with Jimmy Eat World in april through may.And they will be on the vans warped tour from july first thorugh july sixth.
-2010 Farro left paramore because of 'something'

 source : Wikipedia , Yahoo answer!


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